
Monthly Archives: November 2010

What [he/she] is telling us is she cannot trust ________ to make decisions for their own ________ in what we should ____________. And I know I’m going to be again criticized for bringing this up, but instead of a government thinking that they need to take over and make decisions for us according to some _____________’s priorities, just leave us alone, get off our back, and allow us as individuals to exercise our own God-given rights to make our own decisions and then our country gets back on the right track.

Guess the topic! Is there anything under the sun she could not be talking about with this bland boilerplate bullshit? Please, Palinbot, give us your vital analysis!

Alright it’s the First Lady’s Anti-Obesity Campaign, the controversy over which continues to bug the shit outta me. Gottdam big gummint making unenforceable, non-binding suggestions about ways my kids could live longer! Ah ain’t gun stand ferrit!

Because clearly the only thing standing in between this country and the mythical “right track” is the First Lady’s suggestion that your spoiled little fat fucking kids eat a carrot once in a while. Wait… come to think of it, maybe there’s a reason Palin’s a little sensitive on this issue.

OSNAP (And yes, I am very mature. Thank you for noticing.)

This is so petty and pointless but this shit absolutely drives me nuts. Someone asks the first lady about eating right over the holidays and she says hey, go ahead. It’s the holidays. Have some fuckin pie. Of course Fox slaps the headline, “Michelle Obama OKs Americans to Eat Pie on Thanksgiving” and all the usual suspect bloggers…




…and semi-human angry-comment bots run with the angle that’s been provided for them. Oh thanks your highness, so great to have your permission!

I mean… really? Grow the fuck up maybe? I don’t remember any similar outrage about previous First Ladies allowing us to read books or permitting us to plant more trees or whatever. This shit is getting so juvenile and pathetic and so analogous to fanatical devotion to Sports Team X that it really just blows my mind. People puff their chests out and talk about how they’re the “adults” that’re going to make this shit right and wear their replica tricornes and whatnot but they kinda fuck the whole appeal to authority thing up by running around acting like a bunch of twelve-year old emo pussies. Oh, the President said something mean! Oh, Keith Olbermann said something mean! Oh, the First Lady said something that isn’t mean at all but I really need to feel important/slighted so let’s bitch anyway! Everything is about me, don’t you realize that? Why aren’t you catering to my feelings? Now obviously this isn’t a novel idea, but I can’t find the link to that article about the party of hurt feelings or whatever so you’ll have to excuse me.

It’s just so goddamned odd. The rugged, stern Republicans have become some bizarro-world version of their own caricature of liberals. Always worried about someone offending them, and always with the identity politics: so hard being a conservative! If only I wasn’t cursed with this white skin, social acceptance and enhanced set of opportunities! Why does everyone have to be so mean?

It’s beyond my understanding.

Apple Blossom Drive, on the outskirts of Fort Myers, Florida, is a road to nowhere. The retirees, all the dreamers who wanted to claim their slice of the American dream in return for all the years they had worked in a Michigan factory or a New York City office, wont be coming. Not to Apple Blossom Drive and not to any of the other deserted streets which, with their pretty names and neat landscaping, were supposed to herald freedom and prosperity as the ultimate destination of the American journey, and now exude the same feeling of sadness as the industrial ruins of Detroit.

Florida was the finale of the American dream, a promise, a symbol, an American heaven on earth, because Florida held out the prospect of spending 10, perhaps 20 and hopefully 30 years living in ones own house. For decades, anywhere from 200,000 to 400,000 people moved to the state each year. The population grew and grew — and so too did real estate prices and the assets of those who were already there and wanted bigger houses and even bigger dreams. Florida was a seemingly never-ending boom machine.

Until it all ended. Now people are leaving the state. Floridas population decreased by 58,000 in 2009. Some members of the same American middle class who had once planned to spend their golden years lying under palm trees are now lined up in front of soup kitchens. In Lee County on Floridas southwest coast, 80,000 people need government food stamps to make ends meet — four times as many as in 2006. Unemployment figures are sharply on the rise in the state, which has now come to symbolize the decline of the America Dream, or perhaps even its total failure, its naïveté. Could the dream, in fact, be over?

via A Superpower in Decline: Is the American Dream Over? – SPIEGEL ONLINE – News – International.


Hey folks — sorry to say, but welcome to the rest of the world. Exceptionalism? Gone. Opportunity? Crushed. Vanished. The American Dream? Futile. Hypothetical. A nightmare.

I really don’t even have words for how fucked we are, so here is some music to go with a nice eulogy Der Spiegel has written for us.

Man, Danzig is all about the facades amirite? I guess the trick with that is that every so often they work. Speaking of which: help me out here. This song’s about doing heroin (or something similar) right?

im trying to improve my interpretation chops. ha.

(double-click the video to see lyrics)

Since we’re all voting tomorrow (right? *cough*) I figured I’d point where I’m at. Bear with me if you could, cuz I’m gonna pretty stream-of-consciousness.

So like, we can really sum it up by saying there are lots of blogs out there that’re result-oriented: Top-line accomplishments. Resume entries. Big picture. Etc. I’m more process-oriented: Details. How and why. Anal retentive. All that fun stuff.

Over the last couple years there have been reasonably decent results (in most areas besides civil liberties anyway.) I’m not here to shit on what has been done, because there’s a lot of good. Lilly Ledbetter, SCHIP extensions, etc. In an area of particular interest to me they hit student loan reform outt’ve the park by eliminating the middleman entirely. (Yeah, they’re still there administering the government-provided loans but that’s a compromise I really can deal with.) Long story short many good things have been accomplished over the last 4 years.

Now here’s the thing: I am going to drop a big runny taco-fueled growler on what hasn’t been done: No public option. No DADT repeal, and Obama’s “evolving” position on gay marriage. Not a single prosecution for any crime of national significance (war crimes, wall street swindles, etc) that took place over the previous 8 years. On and on.

If you’ll permit me, I’d also get fecal about generalities: a lackadaisical approach to speaking out in favor of any liberal policy whatsoever. A troubling willingness to treat the Republicans as though they’ve been behaving like reasonable people with reasonable ideas. The disconnect between Change We Can Believe In and re-upping with Gates, Sanders, Geithner, etc. The maddening tendancy to attack the liberal base rather than — or even, if we’re being frank, in addition to — record-setting obstructionism from the other party.

To me he seems more interested in trying to sway people who think he’s a secret Kenyan than in rallying the portion of the population who’re practically guaranteed to vote for him. I get that this isn’t a particularly novel complaint, but it’s how I feel nonetheless. I find this very disconcerting: it’s been a decade since Clinton left office and the Dems’ main tactic is still triangulation.

Why? What kind of rot has afflicted the party that the best they can do in times that’re practically screaming for reality-based populism is to continue propping up Wall Street assholes? Are they scared that they’ll have to face Mean Election-Season Ads funded by Wall Street if they don’t play ball? Well guess fucking what: Citizens United means the Dems are going to be hit with a jaw-dropping amount of corporate-funded ads regardless of what the fuck they do this election. Not only that, but if you consider CA a test case Meg Whitman is  demonstrating that saturating all available airwaves may end up as a net negative. To me the benefits of Fellating Corporate America No Matter What are seeing rapidly-decreasing returns on investment, but maybe I’m just a crazy ultraliberal.

At any rate, I’ll finish this rambling post by saying that I’m voting a straight Democratic ticket this year. In my own worthless opinion the Tea Party / Republicans have lost their shit to the point that I’m scared of them taking office, which leads me to my real point: I’m tired of gun-to-the-head politics: “Vote for X or Y will take office and ruin America.” “Yeah, maybe we bent you over after you voted us in last time around but what’re you gonna do, vote for the other guys?” “Candidate X once said Scary Thing Y, so don’t vote for him or he’ll use an industrial assembly line to turn your kids into cat food. No fear real.” “Be afraid. Be afraid of your neighbors. Be afraid of strangers. Be afraid of your own family. Trust nobody. My name is Candidate X, and I endorse this message.” Etc.

The world isn’t going to fucking end if I sit out an election or two. Having said that I have no intention of sitting out any election at any point in the foreseeable future. Still, I’m sick of people acting like if I don’t personally vote for Obama/Dems/Whatever, that’ll be the one vote that decides it all and the whole thing will be my fault. Hey guess what: real life isn’t “Swing Vote.” Elections don’t get decided by one single vote, but rather margins that number in the thousands — at minimum — in all but the rarest of cases. When you’re talking about a thousand people at a time you’re talking about more in-depth stuff like voter motivation, assumptions of legitimacy, the “am I better off than I was x years ago?” test, etc.

Now, AGAIN, just in case it’s somehow unclear: I’m voting Dem. For now, ie. they are not guaranteed my vote in the future. If that’s a concept that you cannot accept then fucking deal with it. If the President can’t be assed to speak up in favor of his own fucking accomplishments — and if the Dems want to spend two years strategically shitting on their own base to try and curry favor from people who think they’re treasonous socialists — then I’m sorry, but the whole thing about this all falling on my shoulders doesn’t pass the laugh test.

TL;DR: Voting Dem — for now — but getting fed up enough to consider Green.